KYOTO, Japan, Jan. 05, 2018 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Mitsufuji Corporation (head office: Seika-cho, Kyoto; CEO: Ayumu Mitera) is announcing a new vision “Weaving health data into greater human understanding” starting in 2018 to accelerate product development and business expansion, and a new concept video as well.
(Visit our website to see the video:
“Heart Signature” featured in the concept video is visualizing electrocardiographic data emotionally in the motif of a flower. It is colorfully formed from one and only intricate shapes and patterns as every person is different based on RR-interval irregularity (RRI) from electrocardiographic data, value of R-wave, P-wave and S-wave. Biometric information isn’t just data, it is your heart’s signature and identity, considered as potential to understand true self through “Heart Signature”.
Mitsufuji set a new vision “Weaving health data into greater human understanding” to provide knowledge and prediction to our lives, and to expand human possibility, as well as to develop our new business to contribute solutions for social issues.
Discover “Formation of Heart Signature” at Mitsufuji Booth in CES2018.
【Details of Unveiled】
・Session: Jan 7, 2018 ・Exhibition Place: Mandalay Bay Shorelines Exhibit Hall
・Mitsufuji’s Booth: #125
【Details of CES 2018】
・Official Name: The International Consumer Electronics Show (International CES®)
・Session: Jan 9-12, 2018 ・Exhibition Place: Sands Expo 2F in Tech West Venues
・Mitsufuji’s Exhibition Booth: #45637 ・CES Official Website: