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News Release
【Press Release】Fibrecoat and Mitsufuji: A great fit for Japan and Germany

Mitsufuji Corporation has signed a memorandum of understanding (MOU) with FibreCoat GmbH, a start-up based in #Aachen, to collaborate in building local production of AluCoat spinning technology in Fukushima. FibreCoat has developed high-strength, lightweight and recyclable aluminum-coated fibers that are to be used for various applications, including radar countermeasure products such as Chaff, EMI/EMC shielding and EMP shielding. This partnership contributes to the efforts in rebuilding the economy in the aera of Fukushima under the support of METI and ATLA,<READ MORE>

Mitsufuji is ranked 277th in the “High-Growth Companies Asia-Pacific 2022.”

We are ranked 277th out of 500 participants worldwide in the “High-Growth Companies Asia-Pacific 2022”, compiled by FINANCIAL TIMES and Statista, which has listed top 500 companies that have been recognized to achieve a remarkable growth. For more details, please click here.

NHK WORLD ”BIZ STREAM” will be on air soon

In April 2018,  our technology, products, and initiatives under the theme of “wearable” in the special feature section On-Site Report in the program that focuses on the movement of Japanese business was on air. While the program has covered 180 companies so far, it once again focuses on our efforts, attitudes, and new technologies.  ※Program Name: NHK WORLD BIZ STREAM ※Title: Wearables Tackle Health and Safety ※Broadcast date::Feb 13th 2021 starting from 23:10 to 23:40, 14th from 5:10 to 5:40, 11:10<READ MORE>

【FINANCIAL TIMES Ranking】Ranked in Asia-Pacific High-Growth Companies

On April 21, 2012, FINANCIAL TIMES announced that Mitsufuji has been selected as one of the fastest-growing companies in the Asia Pacific region. We have been ranked 91st out of 500 companies overall and 24th in the technology sector. FT ranking: Asia-Pacific High-Growth Companies https://www.ft.com/high-growth-asia-pacific-ranking-2020

News Release
Wearable Mitsufuji Launches ‘hamon AG Mask’

Mitsufuji Corporation (Head office : Kyoto/CEO : Mitera Ayumu) announced “hamon AG Mask”,  that can be washed more than 50 times and used repeatedly to help alleviate the nationwide shortage of sanitary masks. This sanitary mask is made of special yarn for unique smart-wear specialized in collecting wearer’s heart-rate to visualize his/her vital data, and AGposs®, a silver-metalized fiber developed with our proprietary technology over many years.

【Media coverage】 Posted on the 2019 March issue of Forbes Japan.

The Interview article is posted on Forbes Japan, which was released on August 25th, the theme was about “Family business” with CEO of Heiwa Shuzou,Mr. Yamamoto and our CEO of Mr. Mitera.   ‘Succession as business chance’  

【Media Coverage】Posted on the official site of Forbes Japan.

The Interview article for Heiwa Shuzou,Mr. Yamamoto and our CEO of Mr. Mitera is posted on web of Forbes Japan. Read this article The similarity is the innovation spirit which change the inheritance of family business into on opportunity. Close-up and personal for two CEO’s attractive. https://forbesjapan.com/articles/detail/28257

【Media Coverage】Posted on CNET Japan.

Mitsufuji exhibited wearable IoT platform “hamon” as an innovative Japanese technology at G20 Osaka Summit. Read this article First half : the challenge of Mitsufuji growing from Nishijin textile factory to wearable IoT company https://japan.cnet.com/article/35140635/ Second half : the challenge of Mitsufuji growing from Nishijin textile factory to wearable IoT company https://japan.cnet.com/article/35140804/

News Release
Mitsufuji, exhibits a wearable platform “hamon” as an innovative Japanese technology at G20 as Osaka Summit.

Mitsufuji Corporation (Head office : Kyoto / CEO : Mitera Ayumu) which develops the wearable IoT platform, exhibits hamon solutions to meet the needs of super-aging society and social issues Japan is facing in Japan at G20 as Osaka Summit. Japanese unprecedented ageing population has achieved health and longevity ahead of the rest of the world, and G20’s issues we continue to lead the world in solving problems related to health and ageing that are common theme in the international<READ MORE>

We hold a private seminar as hamon for stress

It was held private Seminar on Visualization of stress entitled “The Future of Industrial Protection Realized by Vital Data ~Stress Management Using Vital Data~” in Last May 23rd. We appreciated to have participants who were higher than our expected. Mr Tomonaga of UOEH SOLUTIONS Co.,Ltd as guest lecturer took a keynote speech that the theme was <Why work style reform is necessary from the viewpoint of specialists of industrial physicians?>   Summary of seminar *Changes of international work styles *Importance<READ MORE>