Mr Uchibori as governor of Fukushima Prefeture, visited us at Fukushima Factory on 19 Febrary in order to verify the actual situation of reconstruction by himself.
When he visited the factory, he was interested in the customization of the electrode position by CAD system and the mechanism of the WHOLEGARMENT machine, and listened eagerly to.
After the inspection, <“I saw here the world’s most advanced efforts in Kawamata and felt the fullness of manufacturing. It’s exactly Kawamata Pride. It must be the symbol of reconstruction>, told to journalists who accompanied with governor.
In Kawamata, we are currently conducting a demonstration experiment until this weekend with 57 people, including Mayor of Kawamata Mr Sato.
The governor actually took a shirt which residents worn and tried out the good elasticity and feel.
And also he was interested in the data of transition for the stress value of each person created during the mid-term interview.
The governor, Mr Uchibori left the Fukushima factory with strong encouragement, saying, “I want to support this Kawamata’s health project to spread globally from here.”