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Became an official member of Secure IoT Platform Consortium

Mitsufuji corporation proudly announce to become an official member of, and participate in Iot Platform Consortium, which formulates the security standard of the next generation for the system.   See the Press Release of Secure Iot Platform Consortium Establishment http://www.secureiotplatform.org/press-release/

Ran a booth at Keihanna Research Complex Opening Symposium

Mitsufuji joined and ran a booth at the opening symposium titled “i-Brain x ICT: Global Research Complex to Create a Meta-Comfort and Smart Society” hosted by Keihanna Research Complex※, on March 27th. ※Keihanna Research Complex is an institution which advances the “Promotion program for world-class research & development and verification nub” developed by the Japan Science and Technology Agency.

Aired on TV

Mitsufuji’s wearable product “hamon” was aired on TV. (NHK Kyoto on March 9th and NHK Osaka on May 15th). The program featured on our CEO’s interview, and the latest moves of future wearable products (One of them is our product “hamon” that enables you to measure your heart rate amount of activity by only wearing) from a reporter’s point of view. ※NHK is an abbreviation for Nippon Hoso Kyokai (Japan Broadcasting Corporation).

Notice of Office Relocation

We are pleased to announce that we have relocated our head office (Kyoto) from 4th floor to 13th floor as of February 13th. There are no changes in our office address/telephone/fax information since we have changed the floor in the same building we used to locate in.   Old Address: Lab.Wing 4F Keihanna Plaza 1-7                        Hikaridai Seika-cho, Soraku-gun, Kyoto 619-0237 New Address: Lab.Wing 13F Keihanna Plaza 1-7                         Hikaridai Seika-cho, Soraku-gun, Kyoto 619-0237 TEL:81-774-95-2201/ FAX:81-774-95-2260   Now our new<READ MORE>

Appeared in METI Journal February/March 2017 as Top Interview

The article written by our CEO Ayumu Mitera was appeared in METI Journal February/March 2017 as Top Interview.  (METI is the digital book edited by Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry.) We would like to give you an opportunity to share his passion with you.   “I will keep walking along this road, a number of times, even hundreds of times.” The direct road from Harajuku Station, where I always recall this phrase whenever I stand in. Back in 2008,<READ MORE>

Awarded “The 3rd Nanto Success Road for Business Plan Support Project”

We received an outstanding performance award for The 3rd Nanto Succuess Road presented by Nanto Bank. We were judged and awarded from all entrieies (either individual or company) located in business areas of Nanto Bank (Nara, Osaka, Kyoto, Wakayama, Hyogo, Mie), that fulfilled all the conditions below: ・Business plan that can lead to both local economy and contribution to society ・Busienss plan that has not started when applying ・Business plan that can be realized within 3 years

Awarded “2016 THE INDEPENDENTS CLUB Grand Prize”

We took a chance to attend THE INDEPENDENTS CLUB New Year Event on Jan 16th, 2017 held in Tokyo. As a result of all speech presented by awarded corporations and votes from all participants, we have given “2016 THE INDEPENDENTS CLUB Grand Prize”. We had already chosen “Area Award” for “The Western Japan” (other areas include for “The Northern Japan”, “Kanto Region”, “The Central Japan” and “Kansai Region”), and received that award last year. 【THE INDEPENDENTS CLUB is a venture<READ MORE>

News Release
Mitsufuji Corporation announces the launch of general wareable brand named hamon – Offering IoT solution covering from wearable vital sensors, transmitters to cloud services –

Mitsufuji Corporation (CEO: Ayumu Mitera, Head office: Kyoto) is announcing the launch of general wearable brand named hamonTM (The trademark registration is currently under processing) as of December 12,2016. We, as a fiber manufacturer, have been offering conductive fiber AGposs®, and providing various fiber materials to our customers. From now on, we as a general wearable manufacturer, will focus on in-house development and sales including “wearable vital sensors” in apparel, “transmitters” in electronic products and “algorithm software, clouds” in IT.<READ MORE>

News Release
Participants to test “AGposs®” wearable device at Asia Pacific Corporate Games in Tokyo 2016

-Experimental Demonstration of Smart Clothing for the Future of Healthcare- Mitsufuji Corporation (Head Office: Seika-cho, Kyoto; CEO: Ayumu Mitera) will offer a demonstration experiment of a clothing-type wearable device for healthcare at Asia Pacific Corporate Games in Tokyo 2016 taking place November 5th-6th, 2016. Mitsufuji plans to develop a detection and prediction system for illness and disorders by using clothing type wearable devices made with conducting fiber, “AGposs®“. This system measures electrocardiogram, breathing and electromyogram automatically and analyses heart rate<READ MORE>

News Release
Mitsufuji announces a capital and business partnership with Artra Corporation

Mitsufuji Corporation (Head office: Seika-cho, Kyoto; CEO: Ayumu Mitera)(“Mitsufuji”) signed a contract today with Artra Corporation(Stock code: 6029; head office: Osaka; CEO: Hiroyuki Kyuse)(“Artra”) forming a capital and business partnership. Celebrating the 60th anniversary of its Nishijin-ori factory, Mitsufuji’s conductive “AGposs®” fibers were developed through traditional Kyoto techniques. AGposs® is used by major textile companies, electronics manufacturers, and wearable ventures to create smart wear products both domestically and overseas. With a corporate philosophy of “helping people around the world stay<READ MORE>