Mitsufuji Corporation (Head office: Seika-cho, Kyoto; CEO: Ayumu Mitera)(“Mitsufuji”) signed a contract today with Artra Corporation(Stock code: 6029; head office: Osaka; CEO: Hiroyuki Kyuse)(“Artra”) forming a capital and business partnership.
Celebrating the 60th anniversary of its Nishijin-ori factory, Mitsufuji’s conductive “AGposs®” fibers were developed through traditional Kyoto techniques. AGposs® is used by major textile companies, electronics manufacturers, and wearable ventures to create smart wear products both domestically and overseas.
With a corporate philosophy of “helping people around the world stay healthy,” Artra brings know-how and experience gained through its global enterprises and developments. Together, the two companies will develop and market products with the goal of a healthier society.
Partnership outline:
The allotments of new shares and second stock acquisition rights issued today will be allocated to Artra. This allotment will total 200 million JPY and is to be used chiefly as capital for research toward the shared development of products to be ready for market within 3 years. Both companies will work toward market expansion through use of combined sales networks, marketing directed at Artra customers, and additional efforts.
Through this type of sales and marketing cycle, data collected from customer experiences will be used by development departments to aid in the creation of new products. Along with establishing analytical techniques using AI and big data critical to the future wearables market, both companies will work together to develop the algorithms necessary for gaining feedback from data.
About Artra:
Company name: Artra Corporation
Date established: January 2005
Capital: 515,953, 350 JPY (June 2016)
CEO: Hiroyuki Kyuse
Head office: 5F Daika Building 5F, 4-6-9 Itachibori, Nishi-ku, Osaka, Osaka
Business overview: Support acupuncture and orthopedic clinics.
About Mitsufuji:
Company name: Mitsufuji Corporation
Date Established: March 1979
Capital: 54,500,000 JPY
CEO: Ayumu Mitera
Head Office: Lab.Wing 13F Keihanna Plaza 1-7 Hikaridai Seika-cho Soraku-gun Kyoto, 619-0237
Business overview: Development, manufacture, and sale of conducting fibers ‘AGposs®’ for wearable IoT products.
Media Contact:
Mitsufuji Corporation, Tokyo Office
Tel: 03-6453-9650
8F Cross Office Mita, 5-29-20 Shiba, Minato-ku, Tokyo, 108-0014